KZ's Customized Massage Therapy
KZ's Customized Massage Therapy
Tendinitis, the inflammation of a tendon most commonly caused by repetitive motion or work overuse. Symptoms of tendinitis may begin as a mild to moderate aching in the joint and muscles surrounding a tendon and can elevate to swelling and a burning sensation and can cause lack of mobility. Treatments can range from icing the area to rest, physical therapy and massage therapy. Massage therapy can help heal and help prevent future cases of tendinitis. Massage usually relieves pain a little quicker as we are able to work the core of the problem-ed area.
Getting professional assistance from a massage therapist will help to reduce tension and stimulate collagen production, promoting the fastest possible recovery. A few common areas are the elbow also referred to as Golfer's or Tennis elbow. Also in the knee, and wrist. I do not diagnose I assist with treatment in relieving pain, getting range and motion back and helping you get back to a pain free life style.